(Gtk window focus failed when opened more than one times in one thread)
一. 背景:
二. 解决过程:
然后在终端尝试了一下,果然,用 xdotool windowactivate <窗口id>
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int xdo_activate_window(const xdo_t *xdo, Window wid) { int ret = 0; long desktop = 0; XEvent xev; XWindowAttributes wattr; if (_xdo_ewmh_is_supported(xdo, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW") == False) { fprintf(stderr, "Your windowmanager claims not to support _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, " "so the attempt to activate the window was aborted.\n"); return XDO_ERROR; } /* If this window is on another desktop, let's go to that desktop first */ if (_xdo_ewmh_is_supported(xdo, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP") == True && _xdo_ewmh_is_supported(xdo, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP") == True) { xdo_get_desktop_for_window(xdo, wid, &desktop); xdo_set_current_desktop(xdo, desktop); } memset(&xev, 0, sizeof(xev)); xev.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.display = xdo->xdpy; xev.xclient.window = wid; xev.xclient.message_type = XInternAtom(xdo->xdpy, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", False); xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = 2L; /* 2 == Message from a window pager */ xev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; printf("\033[0;32mwid=%d \033[0m\n", wid); printf("\033[0;31m窗口聚焦 \033[0m\n"); /* 聚焦关键代码*/ XGetWindowAttributes(xdo->xdpy, wid, &wattr); ret = XSendEvent(xdo->xdpy, wattr.screen->root, False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &xev); /* XXX: XSendEvent returns 0 on conversion failure, nonzero otherwise. * Manpage says it will only generate BadWindow or BadValue errors */ return _is_success("XSendEvent[EWMH:_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW]", ret == 0, xdo); } |
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ret = XSendEvent(xdo->xdpy, wattr.screen->root,\ False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &xev); |
1.如果了解一点点X11,应该可以猜出xdo->xdpy就是来自XOpenDisplay(), 当然这个可以回溯找到,这里就不找了。
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XGetWindowAttributes(xdo->xdpy, wid, &wattr); |
这里的wid由函数参数可以看到是一个窗口id值, 来自Window变量。
如此,我们需要的信息都已经明确,需要在Gtk编程中使用XOpenDisplay()连接到X服务,获取一个xdpy,然后定义两个结构体 —- XWindowAttributes, XEvent 进行属性赋值或者获取,最后调用如下函数使我们的窗口处于聚焦状态:
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ret = XSendEvent(xdo->xdpy, wattr.screen->root, False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &xev); |
但是我们的窗口是Gtk,而不是X11,Window id如何获取是个问题,带着问题去网上搜索如何将Gtk转化为X11的Window id,很快找到了解决方案,如下:
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GdkWindow *gw = gtk_widget_get_window ( GTK_WIDGET ( window ) ); Window wid = gdk_x11_window_get_xid ( gw ); #头文件 #include <gdk/gdkx.h> |
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/* 本函数代码借鉴自xdotool部分源码*/ void focusOurWindow( WinData *wd ) { /* Get window id of x11*/ GdkWindow *gw = gtk_widget_get_window ( GTK_WIDGET ( wd->window ) ); Window wid = gdk_x11_window_get_xid ( gw ); /* Get window's attributes*/ XWindowAttributes wattr; Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay (NULL); XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, wid, &wattr); XEvent xev; memset(&xev, 0, sizeof(xev)); xev.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.display = dpy; xev.xclient.window = wid; xev.xclient.message_type = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", False); xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = 2L; /* 2 == Message from a window pager */ xev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; int ret = XSendEvent(dpy, wattr.screen->root, False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &xev); if ( ret == 0 ) { printf("\033[0;31m窗口聚焦请求失败(focusOurWindow) \033[0m\n"); } XCloseDisplay(dpy); } |
三. 窗口无法聚焦的原因分析尝试:
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int <超时回调函数>(void *arg) { /* 每隔一定时间多次尝试重新聚焦窗口防止聚焦窗口被抢占*/ if ( focustimes++ <= 5 ) { focusOurWindow ( (WinData*)arg ); } } |